The Past

The Past

Saturday 7 April 2012

A Psychic Change

Here's what's been happening for me recently...
I have been spending  a fair bit of time with my family.
I have done a load of step-work and am now on my amends and daily inventory.
I have an interview for a back to work course soon. 
I have been to loads of out of town meetings. 
I turned 22 which was lovely: clean and sober.
I have had a tattoo of a butterfly on my ribs to symbolise recovery.
And on Monday I am doing my first chair.
I think I am beginning to have a psychic change and it feels good! 
All my love...

Friday 16 March 2012


Ok so I am now officially doing the steps. I've done my 5, 6, 7 and 8 and next week I'm onto my 9: amends. I'm planning on going to the CA World Convention in the UK in May and am hopefully staying with my uncle in Brum. And I missed picking up my 30 day keyring as I was in bed with the flu =( Oh well, I've lost loads of weight lol! The sunbeds are finally working too: bring on the summer! Plus it's my birthday on the 30th =) 

Monday 27 February 2012

The first women's CA UK convention

It was fucking amazing! I went up to London on Saturday for the first women's CA UK convention and it blew my mind! Step four still doing my nut in but shouldn't be much longer now. Love to all xxx
Ps. I've lost 9lbs!!!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Me and my big mouth

Someone said this... and those fateful 3 words: don't tell anyone. So drama as usual with peeps from the fellowship...
Anyways, I'm moving to another room as my plumbing is faulty. I haven't finished the step four stuff I'm supposed to have done. I went for a lovely tapas meal courtesy of Mr HQ. Went down Brighton peir. Wasted all my 2ps on the slot machine. Didn't go on the ride I wanted as it costed a Lady, fucking cheek of it. Being silly. Oh and I've started on diet pills and slimfast, not sure that's a good idea but there you go...

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Addicted to computer games

So, computer games? I think I'm addicted to all them stupid games on Facebook and I don't care. I just wish I'd stop buying credits on my mobile as my Mum pays the bill and she is going to kill me! I see my passport money going towards paying her back, which means I might not go on holiday for another year 


Ok, so now my using is coming at me as that I'm depressed and I need Prozac. What a load of bollocks! My step four is doing my head in and I feel like throwing in the towel, but really it's just laziness. And I'm reading an amazing book called 'Call The Midwife' which is totally consuming me, but not enough that I didn't have time to eat curry with my best mate. Who, incidently, I have been told not to spend too much time with as I should be mixing with the women more. Don't see why I can't do both...
So life? Well, I've saved up for a passport so I should be holidaying soon enough =)
I've got one reply from 5 jobs I went for =(
I've discovered a wicked little mexican restaurant which I've eaten at two days in a row =) They do tacos for 2 pound 30 which is amazing!
And yeah, life could be one hell of a lot worse and I'm not smoking crack so really there's a lot to be grateful for really =)